Saturday, January 16, 2010

Meditations on Lamentations

I am celebrating God's faithfulness tonight
And rejoicing that with the morning light
His mercies will be new once again
As we rise tomorrow to worship Him.

Our Heavenly Father reminded me afresh today
- in His kind and very personal way -
That each day of my life He has planned for me
Even before any ever came to be.
All things concerning me He knew before there was time,
And the same is true for these dear children of mine.
He holds each circumstance in His hand;
I know I can trust His wise, Sovereign plan.

So tonight I can lie down and sleep,
For I know that in His hands He will keep
my family, my future, my fears, my frets.
But His words to me I dare not forget...
To cast my burdens and cares upon Him
To stay my mind on His Truth for daily battles to win.

So, yes, tonight I can lie down and sleep
And enjoy quiet rest and indescribable peace,
Meditating on the blessed promise true
That His faithfulness is great and His mercies are new!

The steadfast love of the LORD never ceases;
His mercies never come to an end;
they are new every morning;
great is Your faithfulness.
Lamentations 3:22-23


Melanie Campbell said...

Love this post, Katie! Can't wait to see you & the fam tomorrow at church! :)

Liza said...

I am thankful for the words God gives you to write so we may read them and be encouraged. Love you much!