Thursday, February 25, 2010

Thursday's Thanksgivings

It seems that I am often quick to share about struggles or difficulties but hardly as hasty to share daily graces or answers to prayers. Same in regard to praying; I quickly ask God for things I need, or that He remedy a situation, but I am not half as swift at offering prayers of gratitude and thanksgiving when He does what He promises in His Word - specifically, "works all things according to the counsel of His will" (Ephesians 1:11), and furthermore, "works all things together for the good of those who are called according to His purpose" (Romans 8:28). Well, I am hopeful that my attempt to write something each Thursday for which I am grateful will aid in sharing reports of praise with you, in order that our Heavenly Father - in all of His kindness and wisdom - will be magnified, and that the love and grace that He abundantly lavishes on His children will be celebrated!

With that said, I want to write about what I am specifically thankful for today. A couple weeks ago, I shared some specifics regarding our son, John David, and a re-evaluation process that we just recently walked through with him. Thank you to those of you who lifted us to the Throne by faithfully interceding on our behalf during that time. Spread over the course of several Monday morning sessions, it was quite draining for us all.

Despite being an emotional time, the process was also very encouraging. And for that, I am most grateful on this Thursday of giving thanks. I was quick to ask you to join us in praying for this process. But I am long past due in giving the report of God's answered prayers and the mercy that He showed us through it all.

John David is doing beautifully well. Thankfully, at this point - unlike when he was initially diagnosed - he has no delays. He is very smart, and although official IQs are not given to two year olds, he scored up there in the "gifted" range. (That term is a bit aloof, but nonetheless means what it says.) John David has indeed been "gifted" by his Maker with many special talents and abilities - an amazing little mind being one of those things. And those areas where John David is weak, we pray that the Lord will prove Himself strong all the more! Our weaknesses remind us of our need for a strong Savior, for One who is mightier than we could ever hope to be. We pray that John David will see early on his need for such a Savior. He will be reminded constantly of his own weaknesses; for example, for John David, even simple social interactions are most often very hard work! But, knowing God allows all things for our good and His glory, we see this as a blessing in disguise. We pray that this moment by moment struggle will cause John David to constantly see his need for Christ and, furthermore, be utterly dependent on Him. We are excited to see how the Lord uses the way He has wired our son to make him into a man who, we pray, is instrumental in advancing the Kingdom and proclaiming the glory of God throughout his life.

I'm sure I will go into more detail about the way our little man is wired, but I will spread that over future posts instead of trying to fit it all into this one. It is late, my eyes are burning, my comfy pillow is calling. But I did not want this Thursday to pass without making known our overwhelming gratitude to the Lord for his mercy, specifically during the entire re-evaluation process we recently went through with John David. Despite some discouragement, the Lord encouraged our hearts with the fact that, for one thing, on paper our son has made tremendous strides over the past year since we began this journey on the road of autism. But much weightier than words on a page or the passing of a test is the fact that "He who began a good work in [our son] will be faithful to complete it, until the Day of Christ Jesus" (Philippians 1:6). One day, my son will know no weakness. How that makes this mother's heart rejoice!

Until that day, I am thankful that the One who fearfully and wonderfully made my special child has a beautiful plan for his life. I am confident that He will work out each detail for the good of my son and the advancing of His glory. I am thankful that the way God wired John David is precisely the way He intended to. I am thankful that John David's weaknesses, though many, will be avenues for God to pour forth His strength like a fire hydrant. I am thankful for the progress John David is making each day. Though a little over a year down the autism road has already proven bumpy and wearisome, it has also proven to be a means of seeing our Heavenly Father, His Sovereignty over all, and His love for those whom He has created, in a whole new way.

Thank you, Lord, for my precious John David. Thank you for allowing him to progress so well. Thank you for letting him overcome difficulties; yet we know that those very things that cause him the most pain and struggle are the very things that will cause him to soar!

Praise be to the Giver of sufficient grace!


Lynn said...

What a beautiful picture, Katie! Thank you for reminding me to be thankful for daily graces.

Marlene said...

You express yourself so beautifully and eloquently, and I am always blessed by your words! Still praying for all of you through this journey!

Melanie Campbell said...

How blessed John David is to have parents who love him so, and who love the LORD! I pray daily for all of you, and specifically that John David would grow in his knowledge & love of our Lord. What a beautiful picture of God's incredible grace & mercy John David is! :)

David and Katie Kizziah said...

Thank you, sweet Lynn. It was so good to see you yesterday!

Miss Marlene!! What a blessing to hear from you! Thank you for your kind words, and most of all, your faithful prayers. We will love you and will never forget how instrumental you were in the life of our family. We are forever grateful to the Lord for you!
Love and blessings to you. How are you doing?

David and Katie Kizziah said...

Oh, Melanie ~ thank you for your most precious words. How grateful we are for you and your prayers for us, specifically for my children. Yes, JD is a trophy of God's grace!