Thursday, September 9, 2010

Thursday's Thanksgivings

I am very thankful for quality time with friends.  Cultivating friendships is something I find difficult in this stage of life to do.  Mothering two young children takes about all I've got to offer.  I am thankful for the time I was privileged to share with two of my sweet friends yesterday, along with their delightful little ones.

Meet Lucy.

She's a very sweet and content little lady. 

And here's Josiah.

He's all boy . . . so fun and entertaining.

Claire really enjoyed playing with her friends, 

and just getting to mingle with some of "her own kind."

Though a bit on the tired side, Lucy remained content and patiently endured a photo shoot.

The others did too. 

(Our attempt at a group shot :)

All the while, Josiah entertained us with his many expressions.

While the little ones were enjoying each other,
the big kids had fun together too.

John David played with his buddy - cousin Ella - 
and was glad to have her company among the mothers and babies.

Ella's mom and little brother were planning on joining us; 
but due to sickness, they could not. 
You were missed.  Maybe next time.

Thank you, Lord, for time allowing time to be 
refreshed and encouraged by friends.
You are kind.  I am thankful. 


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