Monday, July 12, 2010

Scripture Memory Monday

In reference to the oh-so-beautiful promise of Romans 8:28 - "And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose" - Charles Spurgeon stated: "If God ordains it, the worst calamity is the wisest and kindest thing that could befall me." 

This quote has encouraged my heart time and time again.  I've shared it before, but even if you've heard it countless times, I pray the Lord uses this truth to blanket your heart and mind today. 

I am planning on memorizing the verses that fall in between the two below.  However, I did take liberty to post these separate from the others for now, as well as to add emphasis where the Lord really spoke to my heart this evening.  

No matter what the Lord allots for us, we can be CONFIDENT that He IS righteous and gracious in ALL that He ordains.  Then no matter what He chooses to allow . . . oh, Father, give me grace - like that You gave Job - to praise and proclaim, "Blessed be Your name!" 

17"The LORD is righteous in all His ways,
Gracious in all His works . . . .
21 My mouth shall speak the praise of the LORD,
and all flesh shall bless His holy name 
forever and ever." 
Psalm 145:17, 21 (ESV)

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